Epoxy Injection裂縫灌漿, Concrete Repairs石屎維修, Leaking Investigation漏水檢查, Roof Waterproofing天面防水, Material Application材料應用, Consulting Services諮詢服務, Information Exchange交換訊息

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When source of leakage is located, direct application of suitable waterproofing materials to the substrate is recommended in order to prevent water from seeping under the waterproofing materials. However, owing to some circumstances, surface application is considered to be temporary or improvement remedy. Here are some easily applicable materials proposed for general applications.


  Waterproofing Coating   P-226


-      transparent paintcry555.gif (25675 bytes)

-      easy application

-     applicable to wall tiles, window frame 

-      flexible external wall paint

-      various colors available

-      applicable to external wall, small flat area, planter etc.

E-88 R-1500

-       liquid-applied membrane

-      durable, good adhesion

-      applicable to roof, balcony, large flat area



-      additive mixed with cement 

-      easy application with plastering works

-      applicable to kitchen, bathroom, general concrete and crack repairs

-  white waterproofing slurry

- applicable in 'negative' water pressure and wet surface. UV resistance, non-toxic, no pealing and swelling up

-suitable for external wall, particularly for basement and lift pit

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Waterproofing work is a professional job that requires experience in choice of a wide variety of materials and applied skill.  We are pleased to offer free consultant advice.